Wednesday, August 29, 2012

Sometimes You Just got to Let it Out

Have you ever had someone that had the need to go out of their way to ask you to pray for them.  I am not the most religious person, but if I have been in your company and have noticed that you, yourself don't take the time to pray over the food that you eat. I have some pause with you requesting that I pray for you....Maybe that just "ain't right" but hey I think the request is kind of two faced. But that is according to Mee.
 I have an issue that I want to get out. How do you tell someone that you have out grown them. There is an old saying that people come into your life for a season and a reason. What happens when that seasoned reason is done for you, but it is still going for the other person? I have found that I have out grown a couple of my old friends and I don't know how to put it into words. I don't want to cause hard feeling but I just don't want to be fake with them. We don't share the same interest anymore and it is a forced meeting when we spend time together. To be real it is hard to find the time to schedule time for each other. I have had to hide out on the FB and Skype to keep from having forced conversations. What is the right way to say that we have come to the end of the road?
Is there anyone other there who has been in these too tight shoes?

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