Saturday, November 20, 2010

The Things People Do

I have been having so many AH-HA moments lately. I have realized that there are some things that people do that never and I mean never stop surprising me.  I still don't know why the caged bird sang, but I guess that girl was feeling some kind of way not being able to fly. I have forgotten that I have wings.

I learn new things everyday, today I found out that there are actual elements to a friendship. When I learned what they were I realized that I have not been a very good friend.  I have lost sight of the things that at one time meant so much to me. Where did I go wrong? When did I turn into someone that I too don't sometimes know when I look into the mirror? Time is a funny thing.

Everyone knows that the flow of time and change are two things that will always move, always change.  I don't know if in time I have changed for the better. There are things about myself that I don't like, and I want to change but I have become comfortable with my shortcomings.  When did that happen? I don't want to wake up one morning and find that I am the victim of my own mini-drama.  Being brave is hard, but I want to be brave enough to make the changes that I need to free my wings, so I can fly again.

Well change is coming and something has got to give. What will have to give so that the give and take that is needed for a healthy me can take place. I will have to commit to blogging when things are fresh in my head so that I can actually get the good stuff down where it counts.

I am going to sleep on this now. I did not follow my own advice and now I have to scramble to put my heart into what  want to say. I will have to try again later when I am composed.

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